Men’s Retreat

Men Bible study

When: April 26 – 28, 2024
Where: Three Meadows Group Camp -Dworshak State Park

What is it?

A three day, two-night retreat.

Spend meaningful time with your brothers in Christ and have some of that “be still and know God” time that is often hard to come by. Focused teaching encourages men to turn their hearts towards God in practical ways.

Why do we do it?

When you think about the things we do to grow closer to God, such as praying, reading the Bible, singing praises, getting good teaching and fellowship—you may notice that all of these except fellowship, or shared lives, can be done either alone or online. God commands us not to “forsake the fellowship of believers”. With that in mind, expect to cook together, eat together, learn together, worship together, and enjoy time with one another by the fire or in the great outdoors.

Bigger picture

This is all part of how we build men at BBF and why we gather — to pursue fellowship with the aim of building a brotherhood of men; deep and true under God. The retreat is held annually. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer to help, please contact Darin M, Adam M, or Martin T.